I see these people on this bench quite often, and this is not the first time I've photographed them. Today it was kind of chilly here, and I noticed that the couple (man and woman) were covered up by this pretty big comforter - just the top of her head was showing. There's no place to park, so I pulled into the strip center on the opposite side of the street, parked, and walked up to the sidewalk so I could get a picture. I was standing at a bus stop, aiming my camera at the couple, when the woman started to stir and move the comforter. She looked straight at me while I took the picture.
In the meantime, there was an elderly lady waiting for the bus, and she started a conversation with me. This is pretty much how it went:
Are you taking the bus?
No, I'm taking a picture.
Continued below the photo ... [Click To Enlarge For A Better Look]

Of what?
Those people on the bench over there.
Oh, leave them alone. They're not bothering anyone. (She said this in a non-confrontational manner.)
I'm not going to bother them, I'm just taking their picture.
It's just something I do, sort like a hobby.
I feel sorry for them. They're always on that bench. They don't have any money.
I feel sorry for them too.
This is what Bush has done to this country.
He spends all our money. He gives it to other countries. Look at what he's done with the war. I hope that other one doesn't get in either.
Who, McCain?
No, that other guy, Obama.
Well, it looks like those are your two choices. McCain or Obama.
What about Clinton?
Yeah, I guess she could still get the nomination.
I hope so. She's the one I want in there. She knows what she's doing. When her husband was in we didn't have any war going on.
Well, Bosnia.
But he didn't send our boys over there to die. We have to stop this war, this killing of our boys.
The bus arrived, and I said goodbye to the lady. I wish I had taken a picture of her.
Nice post, in every sense. :)
Fenix: Thank you.
Yes amazing, same kind of homeless (this one has more stuff) and posted almost at the same day.
Last week I took a pic of one but it was sleeping.
I don't see as many around here, they seem to like staying in the woods. The cops are always quick to scatter them when they get together in groups.
The one similar to this was in the garden but here normaly we the homeless at downtown or anywhere that there are many people.
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